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Dental Exams Specialist

Rodney Park, DDS -  - General Dentist

Rodney Park, DDS

General Dentist & Family Dentist located in San Jose, CA

Dental exams are the cornerstone of a healthy mouth. At his practice in San Jose, California, Rodney Park, DDS, offers one-on-one care, tailored to each patient. Your dental exam includes tooth and gum care, preventive care, and treatment planning for tooth fillings or other care as needed. For expert dental care from a team that treats you like ohana (family), call to schedule your dental exam now.

Dental Exams Q&A

What do dental exams include?

Dental exams at Rodney K. Park, DDS, are comprehensive checkups in which the team carefully evaluates your tooth, gum, and general oral health. 

Dental exams may include X-ray imaging, which helps verify problems within your teeth or below the gums. It is also common to have teeth cleaning during dental exams.

Your exam may also include imaging with the onsite state-of-the-art cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) system. The CBCT system produces 3D images of your mouth, including the:

  • Teeth
  • Gums
  • Nerve passages
  • Jaw bone

Your dental care team also checks for signs of oral cancer in your gums, cheek, lips, and other parts of your mouth. 

During your dental exam, the team discusses your oral hygiene habits with you to make sure that you’re taking the right preventive health steps. At the end of your exam, they discuss any areas of concern or things you need to pay special attention to going forward. 

What if my dental exam reveals problems?

The purpose of a dental exam is to find problems and potential problems before they grow very serious, so don’t be alarmed if you have an issue requiring attention. The Rodney K. Park, DDS, team is ready to help with a wide span of dental issues, including:


If you have cavities, you can get tooth fillings to replace the decayed part of your tooth. Rodney K. Park, DDS, offers cosmetic white fillings to match your tooth. Multiple shades are available, and the team uses specialized techniques to achieve exactly the custom shade you need for a natural look.

Severe tooth decay

Severe tooth decay may require so much tooth removal that a tooth filling isn’t a viable restoration option. A crown is often the best way to restore your tooth in these situations. But, if your tooth decay is related to infection, a root canal could be the best solution. A root canal cleans out the inside of your tooth, where the decay is, and then a crown covers your tooth for protection.

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, often called gum disease, occurs in stages. In the earliest stage, gingivitis, you have inflamed gums but haven’t lost any gum tissue. 

By taking action, you can avoid periodontitis, the more advanced type of gum disease in which gum loss and even tooth loss is possible. The Rodney K. Park, DDS, team offers smart soft tissue management (gum health) strategies to help you have healthy gums. 

Rodney K. Park, DDS, offers whole-mouth care, giving you everything you need in one place. 

How often should I book dental exams?

The American Dental Association recommends taking customized advice from your dentist, but most patients need dental exams twice a year, or every six months. If you need specialized care due to aggressive tooth decay or gum disease, you might need to have exams more frequently.

Reach out to the Rodney K. Park, DDS, team to schedule your exam by phone.